The aspiration of the charity, ever since its inception, has been to provide care, support, education and training to enable everyone to stand on their own two feet.
Much has been achieved with provision of clean water, latrines, health care, counselling and education. However to make our hope a reality, whereby all the people are given ‘a hope and a future’ these primary tasks still need to be addressed:
Improvement in living conditions
Construction of classrooms for the primary school
Providing secondary education for all
Offering training and guidance to ensure gainful employment
Providing seed funding to start businesses and maybe buying land for the refugees to lease and cultivate
The practicalities of achieving the above can be addressed through:
Getting sponsors for primary/secondary/tertiary students
Obtaining funds to build classrooms
Funding our own training courses
Starting our own secondary school. A church in Mbalala has offered land and buildings for this express purpose
Setting up an effective micro-finance initiative
How funds will continue to be used – to date the charity has made efficient use of funds by using local Ugandans, who are properly trained and empathetic towards the refugees.
Support is given from the UK by people who have freely given of their time to work for the success of the charity. It is intended to continue on this basis, with donations being put directly towards activities in Uganda, with only minimal expense incurred within the UK.